Monday, October 27, 2008

ACT I student Chris is learning dent repair. In auto collision, you must be able to recognize damage, form a repair plan and be able to mix and apply body filler. Oh yeah, you have to sand it off and be able to feel the repair for high and low spots. Chris had to re-do this dent a couple of times but as you can see, he is having fun doing it.

ACT I student Josh is putting the final touches on a rust repair before fabricating and welding in a replacement panel. To be a good auto body tech, you must be able to measure, fabricate and weld in metal panels.

ACT I student Jason has a big project on his hands. This massive overhaul of a Ford 4x4 will keep him busy for quite a while.

ACT II student "The Todd" is putting some etching primer on his senior project. Etching primer is used to make paint stick to bare metal. After he is finished spraying etch, he will spray 3 coats of a sandable primer to fill sand scratches.

ACT II student Caroline has many hobbies aside from repairing and painting cars. She also wants to race motorcycles.

Act II student Miles is at the mixing bench mixing paint for another project. In Auto Collision you must have a good knowledge of math and be able to calculate percentages on the fly. Paint mixing has to be precise for the painter to get the correct results.

Friday, October 24, 2008

Morgan's Truck

Morgan working on her senior project.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

ACT II Paint Clinic

Auto Collision advisory board member Shane Olson demonstrated several different types of paint to the senior auto collision class. Students were very impressed with a primer that dries in 3 to 5 minutes and is ready to sand. Some students were interested in tri-coat candy colors for their senior projects. Prices on this paint can be as high as 700.00 for 2 quarts.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

auto collision 2

Today in auto collision ethan finished sanding on 4 or 5 spots that just took finish putty and 5-10 minutes of sand on each one. So that way all he has left to do is finish working on a arch panels. An he has about a 9 inch by 5 inch square to finish of finish putty.And he has about another week left on the bed and it should be painted in less then a month. An nick sanded on his blazer to shave a body line. An some kids used aircraft remover on there car.

Thee Pope #26

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Grandpa's Truck

Ethan started this project last year but ran out of time before it was finished. Ethan welded in new replacement panels on the bedsides and put cab corners and rockers in the cab. With a little more work, the truck will be ready for paint.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Buffing Lavena's Car

Auto Collision can do it all. Here is Corey finishing buffing out some scratches on staff member Lavena's car.

Senior Projects

Chris is doing a complete re-build on a 1985 Plymouth Laser Turbo Coupe. More pictures to follow as he moves along on his senior project.

Vehicle Disassembly ACT I

Students at work in lab taking apart cars and putting them back together.


Members of auto collision junior lab. This group is off to a really good start for the year. Juniors are currently disassembling lab cars for use as demonstration models.